Saturday, January 1, 2011

WTFDCF? LYAO Secretary Bigby.

Listen for yourself!  Hahahehehehehahaha!

Massachusetts Health and Human Services Secretary JudyAnn Bigby, who is responsible for the Department of Children and Families, along with 16 other state agencies, just forced out longtime Veterans’ Services Secretary Thomas G. Kelley, a Vietnam War hero and a Medal of Honor recipient who has served under four governors, only to be replaced by a former public relations consultant.   WTF?  

It makes you want to LYAO not matter what Secretary Bigby has to say, especially when she tries to explain how the Mass. Department of Children and Families is fighting neglect and abuse and reuniting families.  What do you think? 


  1. Shame on Judy Bigby. I worked with Tom for nearly 10 years. He is more important than a PR man, but obviously not to this administration. I regret voting for Patrick.

  2. Maybe, but they're calling attention to a stupid amateurish firing. Which is worse? Ask Tom Kelly. I am guessing you work for DCF or the state; you're more concerned about fidelity and what people are saying than the way people are treated. 'Nuff said.


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